Personal Taxprep 2018.3.1

Notice: The information on this page is only for users of Personal Taxprep 2018. If you are using Personal Taxprep Classic 2018, consult the help available in the program.

Transmit Documents of one or more Taxpayers

The program allows you to transmit the eligible documents of one or more taxpayers.

Note: The term "eligible documents" refers to returns, forms and slips eligible for Internet transmission to the different tax authorities. For more information consult the List of eligible documents for electronic transmission.
  • Only returns with an "Eligible" EFILE status can be transmitted.
  • Before transmitting a return to the CRA or RQ, ensure that you have a copy of the T183 and TP-1000.TE-V forms signed by the client, authorizing you to transmit the return electronically.
  • If you select both federal and Québec returns for transmission, the program will automatically send the returns to the CRA before the RQ returns.
  • Although it is only possible to transmit one return at a time, you can select several returns to transmit from the Client Manager; the program will transmit them one at a time to the CRA and RQ Web site.
  • If you are transmitting several T1013 forms at the same time, the program will send the forms in batches of 30.
  • As required by the CRA, make sure that your client or his or her representative signs the T1013 form before transmitting the form.